Sunday, May 18, 2014

Final Reflection Blog

  • What was your favorite lesson this year and why?
  • My favorite lesson this year would be on The Kite Runner. I enjoyed the blogs, reading, and projects on character analysis. This is one book I would most certainly advise you to read with next years class. I enjoyed this lesson because the book was interesting to read and easy for any reader to understand. The overall message of the novel was great and the projects were more creative.

  • What was your least favorite lesson this year? Why?
  • This may not seem realistic considering no high school student always finds schoolwork fun and enjoyable, however I can not think of one single lesson I did not like.

  • Academically, what have you learned from this class?
  • I have learned many things throughout this year. I learned how to analyze what I read, write better essays, and many new literary devices that I did not quite understand before. If it was not for this class I would not be so sure and ready in my writing skills for college.

  • What life lessons have you learned from this class?
  • Life lessons I have learned from this class are numerous. After every book we read, I learned something new about myself and realized the empathy I have for others going through certain situations. I learned not to take things out on myself that I had no part in controlling, to not settle for less than I deserve, and that bad things may have happened in the past, however nothing is impossible of overcoming. You helped me realize how strong I was and how my impact in the world can change things more than I realize. You made us all feel like we all mattered and praised us for the good we done. I have not had many other teachers do that as well as you could.
    • What can I change and improve upon as an educator to make this class more beneficial for future classes
    I would not change many things because I must say, you have done an excellant job. The only thing that I believe would benefit future students would be teaching poetry earlier in the year and having an essay or two based on poetry in order to prepare for the exam.

  • Final thoughts and opinions
  • Thank you for being an amazing english teacher. You have helped me learn many new things in english, as well as learning new things about myself. This class has prepared me for the real world in so many ways. If it was not for you I would not be so sure of my success in college and life. Please continue to be one of the greatest people I know and most influential english teachers I have ever met. It has been an enjoyable year just by starting my day in your class room.

    * Just so you know, while writing this blog I thought about all the things we done this year. We shared so many good memories in your class. I am going to cry very much come next week. I love you!*

    Wednesday, April 30, 2014

    Novel Project Blog 4 (A Separate Peace)

    17.your opinion of the work, good or bad, supported by specific references from the work


    A Separate Peace by John Knowles was not a very good piece of literature to read for enjoyment rather than necessity. The author used unique characters however, there was not enough detail and depth put into each ones actions and ways of thinking. Even the main character Gene did not successfully portray his feelings to the readers through thinking to himself. One had no clue as to why Gene truly felt the need to push his friend Finny from the tree or if he was genuinely sorry for what he had done or if guilt just so happen to take over. The meaning of the work as a whole was not very specific and could leave one wondering what the purpose of the book truly was. The author did have good intentions and a well thought out plot, however there was not enough detail of importance, rather than rambling of things that did not truly matter to the story as a whole. The death of Finny was not much of a surprise and did not connect well with the reader‘s emotions due to the shortness of discussion in it throughout the rest of the book. The ending just so happen to be unpleasing also by not truly stating weather it was a happy or sad ending. The tone was plain and once again, there was not enough important details listed for the reader’s knowledge.  The work could also be very confusing to the back and forth analysis Gene makes to himself about pushing Finny and basically sending him to his death. For instance in the final few paragraphs, the author goes from saying “I never killed anybody and I never developed an intense level of hatred for the enemy. Because my war ended before I ever put on a uniform; I was on active duty all my time at school; I killed my enemy there.” In the following sentence one could not tell if Gene felt remorse or that he had to push Finny for his own needs. The reason will forever be unknown.

    Novel Project Blog 3 (A Separate Peace)

    6. an analysis of the effect of setting -- time, place, circumstances

    In A Separate Peace by John Knowles the setting in at an all boy’s school in New England. The time is around 1940 and World War 2 is in the midst. It begins in the summer time which was when times were much easier and the war had not yet progressed for those living in New England. The war was only stories and photographs, which kept the boys at Devon from being discouraged or worried. Phineas and Gene were developing a good friendship and they contributed into making everyone’s summer enjoyable. Summer is known for joy and happiness, therefore it was no surprise of the comforting atmosphere within the story at this time. However, when it turned to almost fall, things began to take a turn for the worse. Gene secretly betrayed Finny and let him fall into a life changing moment. When winter occurred the damage done in the fall was magnified as was the war. The seasonal change and the plot change is a tactic well known in the book How to Read Literature like A Professor. For instance Gene thinks to himself “Peace lay on Devon like a blessing, the summer’s peace, the reprieve, New Hampshire’s response to all the cogitation and deadness of winter.” The fact the characters of the story are in a boy’s only school, the World War 2 is taking place, and it is in the 1940’s are mainly what the reader would focus on while interpreting the events taken place within the story. Without these three key elements of the setting, the whole story could have been written and taken place in a different manner. If the boys were not away from home at a boy’s only school, then the events would not be the same due to the different actions a girl would take in these circumstances. Without the setting the message of the overall story would not be understood in the same way.

    Tuesday, April 29, 2014

    Novel Project Blog 2 (A Separate Peace)

    2. an analysis of a major character -- flat/round, static/dynamic, internal / external conflicts, dominant traits, significant actions, personal relationships...

    In A Separate Peace by John Knowles one of the major characters would be a boy by the name of Gene. This young man is very smart in more ways than one. He is pretty fair at sports and a true scholar. However, there is more to Gene than meets the eye. Gene is a very round character due to the depth of his thoughts and why his actions reflect in a certain way. For instance, when he jounced the limb causing Phineas to fall and break his leg; Gene did it for a valid reason. He did not hurt Phineas just for kicks or to be genuinely mean; he believe this was a way to defend himself from Phineas’s supposed plan on destroying Gene’s scholar reputation. As seen so far Gene is a very dynamic character because one can see he feels very badly about what he done to Phineas and knows now that he made a misjudgment about the situation. The internal conflicts within Gene would be mentally growing up and dealing with his personal issues, as well as, not knowing what he wants to do with his life and who he wants to become. Another main thing Gene is dealing with internal is what he done to Phineas and keeping it from others. One can see his struggle when he says to Phineas "You see! Kill me! Now you know what it is! I did it because I felt like that! Now you know yourself!" An external conflict Gene is dealing with would be the war. New England is in a great war and it is not even close to being over. A few dominant traits Gene portrays would include intelligence, the ability to make nice with others, and to put on a front for others that does not truly show his inner emotions. Gene does not have very many personal relationships. He has many friends in which he talks to throughout school and about war, however he does not trust any of them. The closest person to Gene would be Phineas and he even turned his back on him for his own well-being. I do believe this shows a lot about the character.

    Monday, April 28, 2014

    Novel Project Blog 1 (A Separate Peace)

    1.       a general statement of the literary work’s content, a summary or a paraphrase (only allowed once)

    In A Separate Peace by John Knowles a war is in the midst for New England. A few boys at the Devon school are learning and preparing for war and other scholastics. They take part in sports and activities that all relate to the war more than for fun. The boys stay in dormitories, only making contact with their hometowns on occasions. A boy named Gene and Phineas are roommates that summer at Devon and had many fun times together. The boys were completely different. Phineas was an athlete and Gene was a scholar. The excelled in the aspects the other did not, however Gene was also able to take a good part in sports as well. After a short amount of time in the sun, an unknown rivalry takes place between the boys. Gene suspected that Phineas was trying to take away his chances at becoming valedictorian. However, this was not so. Phineas was only trying to spend time with his friend and show him a good time, just because that was his personality. The unknown rivalry took a turn for the worse when the Suicide Society, developed by Phineas himself, called for a meeting. Phineas and Gene always took an oath to start out the meeting by jumping out of a tree into the river. Phineas gets a “good” idea to jump together with Gene as a since of showing their friendship and equality of power within the club. Gene decides to do a very disturbing and unfriend like thing, which was jouncing the limb and causing Phineas to fall off the branch and into the shallow water close to the bank. Phineas’s leg and athletic career were both shattered at that very moment.  As soon as this occurrence happens one can see the Gene knew he made a mistake. He exclaims “…This is the worst thing in the world, and I’m sorry and I hate to tell you but I’ve got to tell you.”

    Monday, April 7, 2014

    The Kite Runner Timed Writing Rating

    1.       Examine the rubric closely. What score do you deserve based on that rubric? Justify why by giving examples.


    I rated my essay as a 4 because it failed to correctly and fully respond to the prompt. There were little analysis and more plot summary, which is not what one is asked to do in the prompt. There is also not just one pivotal moment mentioned, which causes confusion within the essay.


    2.        Read the student performance "Common errors" section. What common errors did you commit? If you were going to do this prompt over again, how would you correct these errors?


    My vocabulary needs to be on a college level, there needs to be more analysis, better sentence structure, and more focus needs to be on one pivotal moment. If I could do this paper over I would correct all those mistakes and focus more on the topic and meaning of the work as whole.


    3.        After reading the student response examples what have you learned? Is there anything specifically you would change in your own paper?


    After reading the student response examples, I learned I need to focus on answering the prompt and analyzing better. I would also use better vocab and various sentence structures.


    4.       What aspect of timed writings do you feel you need the most help on? What do you suggest we do in class to help with this?


    The aspect of timed writings that I need the most help on is organizing the paper and focusing on the topic. Practicing graphic organizers would be the only way to help. For the most part, the mistakes were laziness on my part and I needed to take more time on the assignment.

    Friday, March 28, 2014

    Class discussion questions

    Level 1.

    1. What was one thing Sohrab liked to do every night before bed?
    2. Who told Amir that Hassan was his brother?

    Level 2.

    1. Why did they keep the secret of Hassan being Baba's son for so long?
    2. Did you believe the setting of the story has a hand in the plot and meaning of the work as a whole?

    Level 3.
    1. Can relate to a time when you felt rejected or someone was ashamed of you? How did you feel?
    2.  Is there any time in your life that you have done something wrong and wish you could take back? Did you make a mends with the situation by redeeming yourself? or walk away cowardly?

    Monday, March 24, 2014

    LRB 7

    17. Your opinion of the work, good or bad, supported by specific references from the work

    The novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hasseini is an amazing book that teaches a valuable lesson to all readers. While reading one learns the importance of morals and the sins in life that one should recognize. The characters in the novel all believe in different ways therefore, one can see each ones point of view and their wrong doings. Without the variety and deepness of each character, the story would be nowhere near as pleasant to read. The morality of the story is tested several times in the novel when the author mentions the raping of Hassan, the lying of Baba and Amir and the stoning. One can see the unmoral stature within certain characters, and the fact that almost all of them redeemed for their mistakes eases a sense of joy for all readers. A quote that stands out the most throughout the novel would be when Rahim Khan says “there is a way to be good again”. The whole story revolves around that one particular quote, therefore one can see the thought the author put into his words while writing. Another reason this novel was written exceptionally well is the lesson behind the novel. One does not know how strongly their actions affect other people’s lives. When one misses out on their chance to stand up for what they believe in, they miss out on the opportunity to prove what kind of person they are trying to be. When Amir turns his back to Hassan, his opportunity to be a good person was demolished, however after many years he is blessed with another chance and takes it right away. Without all the real life events that take place during the novel, one could not open their eyes and relate as well to the story. There are happy time and bad time, but in the end the book was wonderful!

    Sunday, March 23, 2014

    LRB 6

    a detailed response to a specific word, phrase, line, sentence, passage, or scene

    In the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, there are many lines that have a significant meaning within the story. One of the most important would be the line by Baba when he states “When you kill a man, you steal a life,” and “You steal his wife’s right to a husband, rob his children of a farther. When you tell a lie, you steal someone’s right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness. Do you see?” The following statement is brought into discussion several times throughout the story. When Amir lied about Hassan stealing his money and watch, he knew Baba would never forgive him if he found out, due to the fact he stole his right to the truth. One instance occurs in the novel that causes Amir to question his father’s true morals and the man he really was. After preaching to Amir that the only sin was stealing, such as stealing the truth, he finds out that Baba had lied about many things. Baba had another son, which was Hassan. Baba lied to Amir, Hassan, and Ali for many years and did not ever make up for it before passing away. Amir became angry with his father because it showed that he was a hypocrite for almost his entire life. After realizing the sins made from each character, it helped Amir grow and make amends with all the wrong doings. He made up for stealing Hassan’s right to a good life by giving his son an even better one. When one realizes all the things they steal from each other and from themselves, they can begin to fix them. Without this line many would not understand the depth and hurt that comes to each character when they commit an act of thievery.  

    Thursday, March 20, 2014

    LRB 5

    A discussion of the role(s) played by minor character(s)

    Between chapters sixteen and twenty one of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, a middle aged Afghan man is introduced to Amir. Farid is placed into Amir’s path by being his driver to Kabul. Near the beginning of their meeting, Farid was very harsh and cold towards Amir. After staying in his brother’s home for the night; Farid discovered the good intentions behind Amir’s visit and changed his attitude. Farid promised to help Amir find his nephew and return him safely to the orphanage. Fair is not only Amir’s tour guide however, he also helps guide him into facing his past and what is going on currently in Afghanistan. Farid shows Amir all the places he used to know, as well as showing him the new truth behind his home county. Farid states “Kabul is not the way you remember it”, as a way to prepare Amir for what he is about to see. Farid’s relevance to the work is simple. He is Amir’s voice of reason and is there to keep him motivated in order to complete his final task by finding the little boy. Without Farid, Amir would not have the back bone to face his fears. Everyone needs a friend to help them through rough times; therefore Amir relies on Farid for his company as well. Another minor character that is brought up in these chapters is an elderly man that uses to teach at the University. He was begging on the side of the road and just so happens to give Amir a piece of advice on not looking directly at the Taliban. After talking to the man, Amir discovered that he knew his mother a long time ago. They both taught at the same place and had a talk right before she died giving birth to Amir. She was incredibly happy and was worried something might ruin it shortly. By talking to this man, Amir was able to learn things about his mother that were never known before. The man provides Amir a sense of closure that he could never fill due to the fact anyone would discuss his mother. Amir may not be completely satisfied with the quantity of information; however some was more than nothing at all.

    Tuesday, March 18, 2014

    LRB 4

    14. A discussion of the writer’s life and its relevance to the work

    While writing the novel The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini reflects his own life story into the plot. Hosseini is originally from Afghanistan; however he now resides in America. Although he was an American citizen, he wanted to give his audience an outlook as to what his culture is all about. The readers would be able to understand the customs from his home land, such as weddings and funerals. When Soraya and Amir were wed, the author goes into great detail about the traditions one must do before getting married and during the ceremony. Amir states “We did Ayena Masshaf, where they gave us a mirror and threw a veil over our heads, so we’d be alone to gaze at each other’s reflection.” The Ayena Masshaf was only one of many behaviors the Afghan community practiced. Another impact the author’s life has on the story is the fact he wants the world to know how his people were punished simply by living in their own lands. He discusses the hardships an Afghan faced while under the command of foreigners. They were forced out of their own homes due to the lack of safety for their families. The author makes his main character, Amir, a writer due to his own interest and ability to write. Amir is probably a mirror image of what Khaled imagines he would be like in those circumstances. Hosseini also mentions the beauty of America and the opportunities it possess. Khaled is most likely thankful for what he has achieved in life and reminds himself it would not be possible without living in this new country. This is very relevant to the work because it shows how deeply the author cares about this topic and the more a writer is passionate, the better the story will be. One could not relate to more to this novel than the author himself, therefore he is able to reach down into the audience and pull out the ability to be empathetic with the characters.

    Sunday, March 16, 2014

    LRB 3

    a general statement of the literary work’s content, a summary or a paraphrase (only allowed once)


    As I read the chapters ten through thirteen of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, many important events take place. Baba and Amir are now being smuggled through Russian troops, in order to find a land of freedom and safety. They spent many weeks in trucks and in basements. The Russians had taken over their land and turned the Afghan country into a massacre. Brother turned on brother, husband turned on wife and father turned on their own son. The refuge to get away had overwhelmed Baba and Amir, therefore after getting their visa; they quickly moved to United States, California. Baba struggled with his new life in American and did not understand all the customs. Amir knew his father only wanted to live in this country to provide him a new start and the education he needed to be successful. Amir graduated high school and began Junior college to major in English. Baba and Amir picked up a new hobby by gathering items at yard sales to sell at the flea market for a higher price. This was one way to make extra money and spend time with other Afghans. Amir meets a young Afghan woman by the name of Soraya. Amir quickly falls for the maiden just by watching her as she works. He even states “Soraya. Swap meet princess.”  The following statement shows how crazy Amir was over this Afghan girl. The happiness soon ended when her father respectably told Amir to stay away from his daughter and Baba was diagnosed with Cancer. His sickness grew as time went on and hope was gone of Baba ever returning back to health. Soraya’s family visited Baba and Amir at the hospital when Baba was admitted for a seizure. It was not long after Baba’s return home from the hospital that Amir asked Baba to consult Soraya’s father and ask for her hand in marriage to his son. This was Baba’s last fatherly duty to Amir. Her family said yes, but before it would be finalized Soraya wanted to confide her deepest regret to Amir. Amir still wanted her after she admitted to sleeping with another man, because he knew he has made worse mistakes in his past.

    Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    LRB 2

    9. A discussion of the title’s significance


    Khaled Hosseini puts great thought into the title of his novel and the significance it will bring to the story. The Kite Runner is not just some random words to put on the front of the book; it gives one an insight to an important event in the story that will be the turning point to many more traumatic experiences.  Hassan and Amir shared a great relationship however; there was a distance between them due to their different points of religion. Many kids in the neighborhood picked on them both due to Hassan being a Hazara. As the kite fighting affair is coming to an end, Hassan uses his athletic skills to run for the kite and capture it in order to give it to his dear friend Amir. This act means almost as much to Hassan as it does Amir, because Hassan lives to please Amir and show the loyalty of his friendship. Hassan states “For you a thousand times over.” In that particular moment the joy overwhelmed both boys. Amir’s friendship is soon tested when he walks into a back alley and sees Hassan being bullied by an older boy named Assef, Amir lurks in the background. Assef claims the Hazara people are donkeys and do not deserve to be treated with respect. Assef and other boys give Hassan the option to walk away without harm and give up the kite or be punished. Hassan stands by his loyalty and does not hand over the kite; he is then punished by rape and assault. Amir does nothing and acts as if the situation never happened. After that moment the story changes in dramatic way. In that very moment Amir chose the person he would be the rest of his life. The title is The Kite Runner because after Hassan ran for that kite, he also ran from his pride. Both boys were changed forever and the meaning behind the story would be more meaningful then it possibly could have before.

    Monday, March 10, 2014

    LRB 1

    an analysis of a major character -- flat/round, static/dynamic, internal / external conflicts, dominant traits, significant actions, personal relationships...

    In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, he creates a character by the name of Amir. One can see right away that Amir is going to be a very dynamic character throughout the story; however from the first seven chapters Amir is very static. He repeats his actions of being a coward, selfish, and ignorant to his surroundings. Amir is a very round character because the depth of his personality and inner thoughts. Internally, he deals with the struggle of getting love from his father. As well as dealing with the inner conflict of being nice to Hassan, or to be jealous of him. For instance, Assef downs Amir for being nice to Hassan considering he was a Hazara. Amir makes the statement within his mind "But he's not my friend!" and "He's my servant!" The Dominant traits Amir possesses would include the ability to write and be creative. The significant actions of Amir are typically selfish or ways of acting out in order to get his father's attention. His personal relationships differ person to person. He has a brotherhood with Hassan, although at times he treats him as a servant and takes his problems out on him. Amir and his father have a broken connection due to the fact his mother was killed while giving birth. Amir is also very close to Rahim Khan because he provides him with the attention he needs and fills the void of his father. Ali and Amir have a smiliar relationship as the one he shares with Hassan. He feels as if Ali is part of the family, however he also treats him as if he is a servant. Assef and Amir do not technically have a relationship, but if they did it would consist of fear and hate. I am looking forward to see how Amir grows and changes throughout the story, considering the regret he works through in present day.

    Monday, February 10, 2014

    Taming of the Shrew

    ACT 1


    Describe each character:


    Katherine- Rude, Very Mouthy, Independent, totally opposite of her sister.

    Bianca- modest, sweet, beautiful, much like Desdemona in Othello.

    Gremio- very similar to Hortensio by thinking strategies and they also have the same purpose within the play. He is a bit more selfish in my opinion.

    Hortensio- creative, open minded, knows how to get what he desires even if it means helping the enemy.

    Petruchio- Only cares about materialistic things, brave, confident.

    Lucentio- Clever, intelligent, a go getter per say because he is not afraid to go after what he desires.

    Compare Katherine and Bianca to modern day people- Katherine would be quite similar to Mrs. Rich because she does not let others change her own opinion or outlook on things and she will speak what is on her mind. A modern day Bianca reminds me of Eran because she is quiet and beautiful.



    1.       The Induction portrays role-playing. Who acts the part of whom? Why? How does such role-playing address issues of gender and class? What effects might these representations have on the play?

    Lucentio dresses as a Tutor for Bianca while his servant dresses as him. The lord dresses as a servant while they dress the Sly up as a lord. The page dresses up as the lord’s wife. Role playing most certainly addresses gender and class roles because a woman could not be an actor and normally low class men play the roles as a female due to the embarrassment. This affects the play because it shows that one does not always appear as they seem.


    2.        From the outset, we learn from Bianca's suitors that Katherine is the less desirable of the two sisters. Examine and question this claim. How are Bianca and Katherine different? What makes Katherine rather than Bianca the shrew?

    Bianca is very modest, sweet, well mannered, and beautiful.  Katherine is out spoken, opinionated, rude and complete opposite of her sister. Katherine is more of the shrew because she is the least desirable. The shrew is normally the one that no guy wants and plenty of men want Bianca.


    ACT 2 & 3





    How does Petruchio "tame" Kate? Consider how he seems to define their roles.

     Petruchio tames Kate by acting in her manner. He ignores what she says and carries on with his own idea of things. He makes it clear that he is her husband and she is his possession now therefore she must obey him.

    2.       How does Katherine act in the scenes where she says little or nothing? For example, in Act 2, scene 1, how does Katherine behave when Petruchio reports on his success in wooing Kate and in their plans for marriage? Because the text provides little explanation, you must decide how she would act based on your interpretation of her character from previous scenes.

    Katherine seems to be more obedient however; she still has her amount of sass contributed. I could imagine her rolling her eyes and looking at Petruchio as if he is a fool. One can already infer she seems to be in the midst of being tamed.


    3.       Imagine viewing this play in the Elizabethan era. Identify 4 moments of comedy.

    -          When Petruchio arrived in foolish clothes to his wedding.

    -          When Petruchio and Kate argue back and forth calling each other names.

    -          When Lucentio makes jokes about how Hortensio can’t tune his own instrument.

    -          When Kate has her sister tied up and harassing her.



    4.       Disguise is a major theme in TotS. What famous Bible story involves deceit and disguise? 

    In the Bible it talks about how the Devil was once disguised as an angel when in reality he was evil and only wanted to over throw God. He tried to deceive God and take away all his good doings, however the good triumphed the bad and all was well.









    ACT 4


    1.       How is Petruchio's masculinity represented? Examine his treatment of servants, Kate, etc.

     Petruchio shows his masculinity by downing those under his command and using harsh words as well as force. He makes himself feel and look superior by threatening others around him. He treats his wife and servants in a poor manner.




    2.       Many critics mark the sun/moon scene in the road to Padua (scene 5) as the turning point in the play which indicates Kate's taming. What is different about this scene? If she is tamed, what is she submitting to? Is it really a "submission," or can it be interpreted in other ways?

    This scene is different because Kate finally does not argue with Petruchio when he makes foolish statements. She is not necessarily submitting herself to being his wife or loving him, but she is submitting to survival. She only accepts his harsh words because she wants food and sleep. It is not because she wants to; it is because she has to.



    ACT 5




    1.       Analyze Kate's final speech. Is she sincere or ironic? Should we take her at her word? Or should we imagine a gap between what she says and what she means? Does the context of her words change their meanings? What are different possibilities in performing this scene?


    Kate tries to implicate sincerity in her words to prove to her husband she lives to serve him; however there is a gap between what she says and what she means. She does not mention being a good wife by loving her husband but by serving him. She has no desire to be his wife but he takes care of her and she knows she has no other choice. While performing this scene, Kate could show that she will not back down to her husband’s tone and then all the women would make a point to their husbands. Instead, Petruchio makes a point to the other women, men and Kate.



    2.       What happens to the power dynamics in this scene–between men and men, women and women, men and women?

    The men are trying to show each other that they control their wives more than the other. In other words, the one that can make his wife jump whenever he asks is the man that is most powerful. The women believe they have the power to show their husbands they are not a stepping stool, however in the end the wife that is more obedient tends to be the one thought highly of. Men want to show they over power their wives because in that time period, the wife was to look at her husband for all guidance and obey him to the fullest.

    Wednesday, February 5, 2014

    "O" Movie Review

    By: Jocelyn Reynolds

    The movie “O” was written based upon the Shakespeare play Othello. The plot, characters, and the overall theme was very similar between the two. The movie was very interesting due to the excitement and entertainment from the beginning through to the end, just as the play was when Shakespeare showed it in real life at the theater. The plot stayed the same by using the handkerchief/scarf as a device to cause mischief between the characters. The characters share the same qualities and thinking skills as the one used in Othello. The themes from the movie go hand in hand with the play. He uses Jealousy, Lust, True Love, Betrayal, Gender Roles, Racism, etc. I highly encourage anyone who is interested in the play, to also watch the movie in order to gain a better understanding. The modernized changes in details will give this generation a more relatable connection with the overall message set for mankind. The play and movie is so close in comparison, that it is almost identical. However, they are some differences in the movie that one can notice right away after viewing. The movie introduces new evils from the world such as rape, drugs, shootings, and very graphic curse words. In the generation we live in today, the movie does not display anything that one does not hear of already happening. I believe anyone who is mature enough to accept that these things are in our society should be able to watch it and enjoy it for its true purpose. These harsh things are not to brain wash the public but to make them more aware that not all things in life are roses and candy. Many believe this movie is very controversial and to some extent I agree. O came out during the time when College shootings, sex content, and other harsh things were avoided by the public. However, one should not turn their back to these issues. Children should not be allowed to watch this movie, but teens and young adults need to use this as a tool to understand not only the play by William Shakespeare but to understand that these things can happen in the world they live in. The movie is rated R, which is very suitable for the content. The movie was taken in great consideration, and props should be given to them for that reason. The actors chosen for this movie are very suitable. The director does not pick very popular celebrities, in order to create a more realistic and serious theme. One particular would include Dezzy, which is highly relatable to the character Desdemona. Dezzy looked sweet and innocent, like an all American girl to be exact. One would never expect someone as pure as her to be an unfaithful disgrace to her significant other. Therefore it adds more of a shock and disappointment to the character Othello or in this case Oden. The lighting and setting of the movie went well with the plot. During happier times like in the beginning when Oden and Dezzy were madly in love, the lighting was more bright and clear; just like their relationship. When Oden was confused and lost, the setting became darker and more uneasy. The night took over, which is very symbolic for the fact that most bad things happen when no one can see them. If one has not watched this movie, I highly encourage them to do so. The understanding and overall meaning of the story, breaks past from the allegations of closed minded individuals. One will learn from watching this film how judging others based upon what is heard or observed is not only foolish but wrong. Anyone can surprise you and not everyone has your best interest at heart. While one may think this movie would be a waste of time, due to the fact that they have already read the play and could expect the outcome; they will be quite surprised to the suspense and plot changes. One could watch this movie many times and still be interested by the deceit. “O” makes one go into deep thought about their situations in life, and gives them a chance to reflect on their relationships with others. Overall, I believe this movie was a success because it amplifies the original play and also gives a taste to the time it was rewritten. One should certainly watch this movie and enjoy its story line, just as others did in current time as well as in the 1950s.

    Thursday, January 16, 2014

    Othello 5

    1. At the end of this scene we witness the murder of several characters. Did this ending satisfy you? Why or why not?
    This ending was very satisfying because it sends the message that bad guys will never win in the end. Some characters had to die to give the story a dramatic ending, therefore I was okay with the deaths. 

    2. This play is considered to be one of the greatest tragedies of all time. Why is it so tragic (avoid the answer: they all died).
    This play is so tragic because bad things happened to good people. There were many deaths and betrayals one did not expect to see coming. The murders were also not peaceful in any way; they were all violent and disturbing. 

    3. What does the handkerchief symbolize?
    The handkerchief symbolized Othello and Desdemona's love. Therefore when it got lost, their love did also.

    4. Examine Othello's last words. What do these words show us about him?
    Othello wanted everyone to know who he really was and that he truly made a mistake killing his wife. He wanted the world to know he was a good man, however he was taken over by jealousy and tricked into believing horrible things. He truly did love Desdemona. 

    Tuesday, January 14, 2014

    Othello 4

    1. In Act 4 we learn the character of Desdemona. Choose two quotes that you believe best illustrate her character.

    "That’s not what I wish. I love him even when he’s harsh and mean—Help me unpin this, would you?—I love even his stubbornness, his frowns, his bad moods."

    "...Unkindness is powerful, and his unkindness may kill me, but it’ll never destroy my love. I can’t say “whore.” It makes me sick to say the word even now. I wouldn’t do the thing that would make me a whore for all the money in the world."

    This two quotes show the character of Desdemona because it shows how much she truly loves her husband and the value of her devotion to him. She is a women with morals and a big heart.

    2. How is Othello changing in Act 4? What is the effect of his public humiliation of Desdemona by slapping her?

    Othello starts to show his true jealous side. He has lost feelings for Desdemona and instead of treating her like a jewel, he treats her like filthy trash. When Othello slaps Desdemona his true character transformed. He is no longer the loving and greiving husband, but a revengeful monster. Now his reputation was lowered because he is looked down upon amongst others.
    3. At the end of Act 4 we get a glimpse into the private world of women. How does Shakespeare portray this world?
    Shakespeare portrays the side of women to be full of gossip and opinion. He gives others the idea that women are just as guilty as men when it comes to lying and cheating. However, he makes it clear not all women think in that manner. Once can also see how emotional a women can be when it comes to things that are important to them.
    4. Analyze "The Willow Song". What is the literal meaning of this song? What does this song symbolize?
    The literal meaning of the song is a women being deserted by her lover. This song relates well to Desdemona's situation because she believes the guy she met and decided to marry has gone away and turned into a crazy jealous trainwreck. When this song refers to a willow sitting at the edge of the water it also symbolizes women being deserted by their lovers.

    Monday, January 13, 2014

    Othello 3

    1. What is a tragic flaw? What do you believe is Othello's tragic flaw? What is your tragic flaw? Explain.

    A tragic flaw is a flaw that causes someone to unravel. Basically, it's a flaw that leads to their destruction. Othello's tragic flaw is trusting people too easily. He gives his trust to many people, based just on how they look. My tragic flaw is kindness. I would do anything for the people in my life, even if it came to putting myself out. It is a good thing to an extent, but at times kindness can be mistaken for weakness. After being too kind to someone, they tend to take things you do for granted, and the ability to be taken advantage of comes easily.

    2. Below is the Shakespearean and modern version of Othello. Examine the quote about a good reputation. What does Iago mean through this quote? How valuable do you believe a reputation is? What is your reputation? What kind of name do you have amongst others?                                                                                                                                                                                        
    Iago explains that an individual's reputation can not be replaced like money. By ruining someone's reputation one gains nothing, however the other person loses all they are known for. A reputation means a lot in my understanding. One is always judged by what they are known for, because your actions now can easily reflect in the future. I believe I have a good reputation as being honest, caring, and big hearted. The names I would carry amongst others would include a good friend, faithful girlfriend, loving daughter, well listener and trustworthy.
    3. Connect this quote to another film/movie/book or to your own personal life.
    This quote speaks very deep to me, because the quote's meaning is so true. Over thinking things can kill happiness, and cause burdens that does not even exist. I do this often in my life and it can be a harsh burden to carry. My imagination could easily destroy me if I let it. I think about a situation and connect things to make it even worse on my peace of mind. I now know that one should not add greif to a situation, but to take the facts and deal with them straightforward.

    Sunday, January 12, 2014

    Othello Act 2

    1. Choose one of Iago's soliloquies (end of 2.1 or end of 2.3) and thoroughly analyze it.

    In the end of 2.1, Iago is expressing his plans to make The Moor believe his wife has a crush on Cassio. His tone is angry as he reassures himself things will go as he has planned. He reveals how each motion he makes, plays as a domino affect for the over all goal to be acheived. While talking about his plots for revenge and triumph, it shows how clever Iago is. He is tricky and selfish, only looking out for himself. He is also aware he is a bad person and knows what he is doing is wrong.

    2. In Act II Iago launches his plan to destroy Othello. What is his motive? Jealousy? Racism? Is he opportunistic? A sociopath? All of the above? None of the above? Use TEXTUAL SUPPORT.

    Iago's motive is severe jealousy. He hates The Moor because he wishes to be in his position. He wants to be him so bad that he would do anything to destory him. He is also, jealous due to a questioning affair between Othello and his wife. Iago states "I have a feeling the Moor slept with my wife. That thought keeps gnawing at me, eating me up inside. I won’t be satisfied until I get even with him, wife for wife."

    3. Choose another character (from film, books, etc) that reminds you of Iago. Explain
    Another character that is simular to Iago would be Loki in the motion picture Thor. He plays on the good side however he thinks of evil ways to manipulate things to be in his favor. He is clever like Iago and an expert trickster.

    4. Two discussion Questions for Class

    Why does Iago need Rodrigo for his money?

    What can one foreshadow about the end of the story?

    Thursday, January 9, 2014


    1. What conflicts do you already see beginning to emerge? Choose two quotes from Act I that expose these conflicts. Explain why each quote is significant and what it reveals about the characters.
    Two Conflicts about to emerge would include the plotted destruction Iago has for Othello and the unknowing betrayl between Iago and Roderigo. The quote that best summarizes the conflict between Iago and Othello would be "...I’m serving under him to take advantage of him. We can’t all be masters, and not all masters should be followed. Look at all the devoted servants who work for their masters their whole lives for nothing but their food, and then when they get old they’re terminated. They ought to be whipped for being so stupid. But then there’s another kind of servant who looks dutiful and devoted, but who’s really looking out for himself. By pretending to serve their lords, these men get rich, and when they’ve saved up enough they can be their own masters. Guys like that have soul, and that’s the kind of guy I am..." because it explains Iago's plan to demise Othello. This reveals Iago's true colors because one can see he is not a trustworthy man. The significant quote for the conflict between Iago and Roderigo would be "That’s how I always do it, getting money from fools. I’d be wasting my skills dealing with an idiot like that if I couldn’t get something useful out of him..." because it shows the plan he has to fool Roderigo. This reveals the foolish ways of Roderigo to believe he can have a friendship with an untrustworthy man.
    2. Create three discussion questions of your choice based on Act I
    - Give two ways How to Read Literature Like a Professor relates to Othello?
    -What are some character traits one can infer about Othello?
    - Why was the secret marriage considered betrayl to Desdemona's father? consider the time frame the story was written.
    3. In a paragraph each, analyze the character of Othello and Iago (so far).

    Othello was a brave man and was born to lead his people to victory. He was emotionally and physically strong therefore working as a leader in the Army came naturally to him. He is not afraid to put trust into others, because he believes if a man acts and looks trustworthy than he must be. His past has become a huge part of who he is in present time. He is an honest man with good intensions. He loves Desdemona so much that he was willing to sacrifice for her if it came to it. Othello was a very knoble man; one might even say he was the knight in shining armour.
    Iago was the complete opposite of Othello. He did not think of the greater good, only for himself. He was selfish, and full of hate to anyone that was better than him. His actions and thoughts show his dishonest and clever traits. He was a good liar and manipulative to those around him. He is a coward to say the least, because he uses others to do his dirty work instead of taking it upon himself.