Thursday, January 9, 2014


1. What conflicts do you already see beginning to emerge? Choose two quotes from Act I that expose these conflicts. Explain why each quote is significant and what it reveals about the characters.
Two Conflicts about to emerge would include the plotted destruction Iago has for Othello and the unknowing betrayl between Iago and Roderigo. The quote that best summarizes the conflict between Iago and Othello would be "...I’m serving under him to take advantage of him. We can’t all be masters, and not all masters should be followed. Look at all the devoted servants who work for their masters their whole lives for nothing but their food, and then when they get old they’re terminated. They ought to be whipped for being so stupid. But then there’s another kind of servant who looks dutiful and devoted, but who’s really looking out for himself. By pretending to serve their lords, these men get rich, and when they’ve saved up enough they can be their own masters. Guys like that have soul, and that’s the kind of guy I am..." because it explains Iago's plan to demise Othello. This reveals Iago's true colors because one can see he is not a trustworthy man. The significant quote for the conflict between Iago and Roderigo would be "That’s how I always do it, getting money from fools. I’d be wasting my skills dealing with an idiot like that if I couldn’t get something useful out of him..." because it shows the plan he has to fool Roderigo. This reveals the foolish ways of Roderigo to believe he can have a friendship with an untrustworthy man.
2. Create three discussion questions of your choice based on Act I
- Give two ways How to Read Literature Like a Professor relates to Othello?
-What are some character traits one can infer about Othello?
- Why was the secret marriage considered betrayl to Desdemona's father? consider the time frame the story was written.
3. In a paragraph each, analyze the character of Othello and Iago (so far).

Othello was a brave man and was born to lead his people to victory. He was emotionally and physically strong therefore working as a leader in the Army came naturally to him. He is not afraid to put trust into others, because he believes if a man acts and looks trustworthy than he must be. His past has become a huge part of who he is in present time. He is an honest man with good intensions. He loves Desdemona so much that he was willing to sacrifice for her if it came to it. Othello was a very knoble man; one might even say he was the knight in shining armour.
Iago was the complete opposite of Othello. He did not think of the greater good, only for himself. He was selfish, and full of hate to anyone that was better than him. His actions and thoughts show his dishonest and clever traits. He was a good liar and manipulative to those around him. He is a coward to say the least, because he uses others to do his dirty work instead of taking it upon himself.

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