Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Othello 4

1. In Act 4 we learn the character of Desdemona. Choose two quotes that you believe best illustrate her character.

"That’s not what I wish. I love him even when he’s harsh and mean—Help me unpin this, would you?—I love even his stubbornness, his frowns, his bad moods."

"...Unkindness is powerful, and his unkindness may kill me, but it’ll never destroy my love. I can’t say “whore.” It makes me sick to say the word even now. I wouldn’t do the thing that would make me a whore for all the money in the world."

This two quotes show the character of Desdemona because it shows how much she truly loves her husband and the value of her devotion to him. She is a women with morals and a big heart.

2. How is Othello changing in Act 4? What is the effect of his public humiliation of Desdemona by slapping her?

Othello starts to show his true jealous side. He has lost feelings for Desdemona and instead of treating her like a jewel, he treats her like filthy trash. When Othello slaps Desdemona his true character transformed. He is no longer the loving and greiving husband, but a revengeful monster. Now his reputation was lowered because he is looked down upon amongst others.
3. At the end of Act 4 we get a glimpse into the private world of women. How does Shakespeare portray this world?
Shakespeare portrays the side of women to be full of gossip and opinion. He gives others the idea that women are just as guilty as men when it comes to lying and cheating. However, he makes it clear not all women think in that manner. Once can also see how emotional a women can be when it comes to things that are important to them.
4. Analyze "The Willow Song". What is the literal meaning of this song? What does this song symbolize?
The literal meaning of the song is a women being deserted by her lover. This song relates well to Desdemona's situation because she believes the guy she met and decided to marry has gone away and turned into a crazy jealous trainwreck. When this song refers to a willow sitting at the edge of the water it also symbolizes women being deserted by their lovers.

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