Sunday, January 12, 2014

Othello Act 2

1. Choose one of Iago's soliloquies (end of 2.1 or end of 2.3) and thoroughly analyze it.

In the end of 2.1, Iago is expressing his plans to make The Moor believe his wife has a crush on Cassio. His tone is angry as he reassures himself things will go as he has planned. He reveals how each motion he makes, plays as a domino affect for the over all goal to be acheived. While talking about his plots for revenge and triumph, it shows how clever Iago is. He is tricky and selfish, only looking out for himself. He is also aware he is a bad person and knows what he is doing is wrong.

2. In Act II Iago launches his plan to destroy Othello. What is his motive? Jealousy? Racism? Is he opportunistic? A sociopath? All of the above? None of the above? Use TEXTUAL SUPPORT.

Iago's motive is severe jealousy. He hates The Moor because he wishes to be in his position. He wants to be him so bad that he would do anything to destory him. He is also, jealous due to a questioning affair between Othello and his wife. Iago states "I have a feeling the Moor slept with my wife. That thought keeps gnawing at me, eating me up inside. I won’t be satisfied until I get even with him, wife for wife."

3. Choose another character (from film, books, etc) that reminds you of Iago. Explain
Another character that is simular to Iago would be Loki in the motion picture Thor. He plays on the good side however he thinks of evil ways to manipulate things to be in his favor. He is clever like Iago and an expert trickster.

4. Two discussion Questions for Class

Why does Iago need Rodrigo for his money?

What can one foreshadow about the end of the story?

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