Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Literary Terms for Plot

Plot and Structure

Exposition- The beginning of a story where it introduces the setting, characters, and the start of a conflict.

Rising Action- a period of time where the conflict rises by actions or etc.

Climax- The most exciting part of the story. The conflict bursts out wide open.

Falling Action- The conflict is slowly settling and put to rest.

Resolution- The ending of the conflict and the story. Gives audience a memento.

Conflict – a conflict is the problem or struggle within the story. It can be with another person, within oneself, or with other things such as nature or an object.

Protagonist- The good guy of the story.

Antagonist- The bad guy of the story.

Flashback- a moment in time a character thinks back to the past. This allows readers to see things they could not see in the present time.

In medias res- when a story begins in the middle of the conflict then, is taken back to the past with a flash back. In other words the plot is jumbled.

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