Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Rose for Emily Analysis on Characterization

Character Analysis on “A Rose or Emily”

Emily is the main character in “A rose for Emily”. She is a freak of nature to be exact! She sleeps with a dead body and does not tell anyone about the death. She is a lady from the old south; therefore many believe she was a monument. Emily was a Round character because she had a great personality no one could forget. She was also considered a Static character because she stayed the same throughout the story. While reading, one can see the author has given direct and indirect characterization. Direct characterization is shown when the author writes out given facts about Emily’s personality. An example of Direct characterization would be when the author explains how Emily did not get out much after her father’s passing and none at all after her lovers. This tells the audience that Emily was distant from the community. An example of indirect characterization would be ways the audience can infer things about Emily. When one finds out the past of Emily with her father, they can infer why she has problems of letting the deaths of her loved ones go. Emily was only allowed to love her father because he believed there was not any one good enough for his daughter. She also became very connected to lover for the same reason. It was hard for her to find someone she could care about so after she lost him the pain of letting go became over bearing. She expresses her hurt and frustration by keeping a corpse of her lover and sleeping with it every night. Emily’s actions are well justified although they may seem a bit dramatic.

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