Monday, September 30, 2013

Perks of being a Wallflower: AP prompt

Thesis statement: The Perks of being A Wallflower the author highlights the values of the teenage society by using Charlie, which is not the type to be accepted due to his way of dealing with things and social disconnection.
  • Charlie does not go to football games to watch football, or gets invited to all the cool parties because he is  qualified as a social outcast. This helps one realize how sterotyped the teenage society can be.
  • Charlie analyzes everything which helps the reader see and feel the things he does as someone not socially accepted.
  • Charlie's brother and sister are on the side of being a normal teen therefore one can get a inside viewing of how they act not only at school but at home as well.
  • Throughout the book Charlie talks about how the others kids act towards each other and how they portray themselves.
  • He not only analyzes the popular group, he also analyzes other clicks.
  • Charlie has always been stuck in the background of things therefore, he has seen things others may be blinded to.
  • The whole book talks about all the struggles one goes through as a teen in society today.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Perks of being a Wallflower End

Part one:
The theme of this novel would be finding oneself as a person. Charlie took all his struggles from high school and developed more into the person he was meant to be. He lost friends but found new ones. He realized the things he did not want in his life and the things he did. Charlie still has a lot more to grow throughout the years, however this novel shows just how much someone can change in a short amount of time. Everyone has a purpose in life, but it takes time to develop into the person we were meant to be in order to fulfill that purpose. Life is nothing but changes and finding oneself. Each and every day we discover something new about ourselves.

Part two:
"Charlie, we accept the love we think we deserve" - This relates to the meaning as a whole because we go through many loves in life. Some will be better than others. As one makes mistakes in relationships they will develop a better understanding of what they truly want in a significant other. The idea of what we deserve may also change throughout the process of life.

"Not everyone has a sob story, Charlie, and even if they do, its no excuse."- Everyone will go through hardships in life, however that does not define the person you are unless you learn from it. It is a part of growing up and developing the person you want to become.

" So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be. - The following quote is a clear example of how Charlie is struggling to find himself, which is the main point of the novel.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Mixtape

1. So small- Carrie Underwood
This is very symbolic to me because I tend to get caught up in the little things or worries of life and forget to look at the overall picture. The simplest things in life that make one happy and feel loved mean more than the problems.

2. Wasting all these tears on you- Cassadee Pope
I like this song because it helps me realize that no matter what others put you through they are not worth changing your happiness.You have to let them go and move on from it.

3. Laughed until we cried- Jason Aldean
This song means a lot to me because I think of my friends and my life now as a senior.

4. If Heaven Wasn't so far away- Justin Moore
I always think of my grandmother while listening to this song. It can explain my thoughts on her passing better than I can put into my own words.

5. I don't want this night to end- Luke Bryan
This song makes me happy because theres always those days in life you wish would last forever. The feeling is undescribable.

6.Don't let me be lonely- The Band Perry
I can not really explain this song, however I enjoy it very much which is unusual because normally The Band Perry is not one of my favorites.

7. Play it again- Luke Bryan
This is one of my favorite songs, it brings me happiness.

8. Temporary Home- Carrie Underwood
I'm not the most religious person, I make mistakes and do not corporate God into my life as much as I should but I would hope to change things for the better. This song gives me the light I need to know there is  a better life after this to call home.

9. Don't forget to remember me- Carrie Underwood
This song breaks my heart everytime I listen to it but this really puts my life next year into words. Graduating and going away for college is going to be a life changing expierience.

10.So small- Carrie Underwood
This is very symbolic to me because I tend to get caught up in the little things or worries of life and forget to look at the overall picture. The simplest things in life that make one happy and feel loved mean more than the problems.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

POV literary terms

1st Person- When you tell a story through a viewpoint character using I or we

3rd Person Omniscient-  method of storytelling in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story

3rd Person Limited-  method of storytelling in which the narrator knows only the thoughts and feelings of a single character

3rd Person Objective-reader doesn’t see any character’s inner thoughts and feelings, not even those of the point of view character

3rd Person Collective - When all 3rd person points of view are used in a story.

Friday, September 20, 2013


The past four weeks I have learned a good amount and I am eager to continue learning. I have learned a broader variety of literary terms such as, static and dynamic characters as well as different points of view. I learned how to analyze parts of a story on a deeper level by reading How to Read Like A Professor. My favorite short story would be the lame shall enter first because it makes one pay attention to more details. I can not say I have a least favorite short story because I enjoyed them all. In the future I would not change very much at all. One thing I think would be helpful is to have a mini assignment after reading on our own then having class discussion before the major essay. The reasoning behind my suggestion is because after we discuss the story in class I realize important things that I could include in my essay. Overall, your a great teacher and I love your class!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A sorrowful women: The son's point of view

A Sorrowful Woman: The son’s point of view.

By: Jocelyn Reynolds


                My life with my mommy and daddy were perfect until one day before bed time. Mommy always tucked me in however; this night was different because my daddy had filled her position. He read me a lovely story about monkeys and I fell peacefully asleep.

                The following night was a bit stranger. I gazed at my mother in amazement and understanding, although I had no sense of understanding her at all. My mother busted out in tears and daddy came running to the rescue. Daddy used his big strong arms and packed mommy to the comfort of her bed. Daddy tucked me tightly into bed again after placing clean pajamas on my body.

                The next day was Sunday and I did not get to see mommy the whole evening. Then the same time like always my bed time routine took place. As I awoke I noticed mommy had decided to get out of bed. I could not control my excitement so I decided to show her my affection by following her around like a tiger. As I went to brace my mother’s arm I accidently cut her with my sharp finger nails. I have never seen my mother’s eyes look so intense and frightened. She yelled “Go Away” and locked herself in a room until my dad came home. Once again he became her hero.

                A few days had passed and things stayed the same. Then after dinner I felt the stinging pain of the back of my mother’s hand. I cried from shock and hurt feelings. I could not believe my loving mother had turned into an abusive monster. I ran away and hide before she could think about snapping at me again.

                My daddy decided to hire a built in babysitter. She made me feel the way I used to before my mother changed. I felt an inner happiness because I knew with my babysitter I was safe. She brought me in to see my mom around two times a day. One afternoon my babysitter let me bring my mommy a present. It was a little grasshopper I found leaping in the grass. As I handed her my gift she yelled and threw the grasshopper out of her hands. I did not understand why my mother had become so angry. She took the only mother figure I had left and kicked her out the door the next day.

                After my dad picked me up from school he made dinner like always and put me to bed. I did not know what was going wrong with my family but I knew things would never be the same between my mother and I. My daddy fell asleep in my bed as he was tucking me in; I reluctantly knocked on my mother’s door and hoped to be greeted with loving arms. Instead I was scooted out the door by a cold comatose woman called my mother.

                I loved my mommy even though she acted distant. I forgave her for her actions and hoped everyday my mommy would be back to normal. I went in with my dad and gave her a wet kiss on the lips. After that moment I could not see my mommy anymore. I drew her pictures and slid them under her door every evening. Mommy cooked a loaf of bread and had it waiting on us as we came home. We happily slid our notes under the door hoping for her mental return.

                I came home to find five loaves of warm bread, a roast stuffed turkey, a glazed ham, three pies of different fillings, eight molds of the boy's favorite custard, two weeks supply of fresh-laundered sheets and shirts and towels, two hand-knitted sweaters (both of the same grey color), a sheath of marvelous watercolor beasts accompanied by mad and fanciful stories nobody could ever make up again, and a tablet full of love sonnets for my daddy. I smelled the sweet aroma and ran straight into my mommy’s room. She was in her bed with her eyes closed. I told daddy mommy was sleeping because she was tired of doing all of our things again. All I could think about was how satisfying the turkey would be for supper.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Self Analysis: Static or Dynamic ?

Analysis of Myself: within two years

I believe I would be considered Dynamic. I have changed a lot within the last two years in more ways than one. I started off in a serious relationship, which was not a healthy situation due to trust issues. I became quiet and more excluded, however that was not my true personality at all. My life consisted of nothing but homework and my boyfriend. I lost contact with my friends; therefore I had nothing to do with spare time. I also just lost my grandmother in car accident. When she was buried a part of me had gone with her. I became depressed to an extent and my personality had took a complete one eighty.
                As time progressed, I ended things with my previous boyfriend. I knew in order to be happy with myself I could not deal with the burdens of the relationship any longer. I developed a few of my old characteristics back. I laughed a little louder, smiled a lot more and grew more into the social butterfly I was destined to be. The pain from my grandmother still lingered however; I learned to cope with things on my own and with God.
                It took a long roller coaster of eight months to truly find myself again. I have developed more into the person I would like to be. I would not change anything from my past because I believe every trial in life has a purpose one will be grateful for. My reasons for being Dynamic are simple; it is a process of maturing and developing as a person. Many human beings are Dynamic throughout their adolescence because of all the new possibilities they are introduced to. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Characterization Literary Terms

  • Direct Characterization- When the author writes out specific things about the character that he wants the audience to know.

  • Indirect Characterization- When one infer's through actions things about the character.

  • Round Characters- When a character is complex and undergos development, and can sometimes sufficiently to surprise the reader.

  • Flat Characters- The character is uncomplicated and easy to understand.

  • Stock Characters- normally background characters. They don't have a purpose behind the things they do or say.

  • Static Characters- Do not change throughout the story.

  • Dynamic Characters- Change throughout the story.
  • A Rose for Emily Analysis on Characterization

    Character Analysis on “A Rose or Emily”

    Emily is the main character in “A rose for Emily”. She is a freak of nature to be exact! She sleeps with a dead body and does not tell anyone about the death. She is a lady from the old south; therefore many believe she was a monument. Emily was a Round character because she had a great personality no one could forget. She was also considered a Static character because she stayed the same throughout the story. While reading, one can see the author has given direct and indirect characterization. Direct characterization is shown when the author writes out given facts about Emily’s personality. An example of Direct characterization would be when the author explains how Emily did not get out much after her father’s passing and none at all after her lovers. This tells the audience that Emily was distant from the community. An example of indirect characterization would be ways the audience can infer things about Emily. When one finds out the past of Emily with her father, they can infer why she has problems of letting the deaths of her loved ones go. Emily was only allowed to love her father because he believed there was not any one good enough for his daughter. She also became very connected to lover for the same reason. It was hard for her to find someone she could care about so after she lost him the pain of letting go became over bearing. She expresses her hurt and frustration by keeping a corpse of her lover and sleeping with it every night. Emily’s actions are well justified although they may seem a bit dramatic.

    Literary Terms for Plot

    Plot and Structure

    Exposition- The beginning of a story where it introduces the setting, characters, and the start of a conflict.

    Rising Action- a period of time where the conflict rises by actions or etc.

    Climax- The most exciting part of the story. The conflict bursts out wide open.

    Falling Action- The conflict is slowly settling and put to rest.

    Resolution- The ending of the conflict and the story. Gives audience a memento.

    Conflict – a conflict is the problem or struggle within the story. It can be with another person, within oneself, or with other things such as nature or an object.

    Protagonist- The good guy of the story.

    Antagonist- The bad guy of the story.

    Flashback- a moment in time a character thinks back to the past. This allows readers to see things they could not see in the present time.

    In medias res- when a story begins in the middle of the conflict then, is taken back to the past with a flash back. In other words the plot is jumbled.

    Plot and Structure Analysis on "The Lame Shall Enter First"

    “The Lame Shall Enter First”

             “The Lame Shall Enter First” is an emotional roller coaster throughout all aspects of the plot.  The

    exposition begins with Sheppard and his son eating breakfast, which is also a form of Communion.

    They argue back and forth until Norton gets sick and hurls over his plate of food. When Communion

    goes horribly wrong like in this particular passage,  it foreshadows a not so pleasant ending. In this

    stage of the plot the characters and their background are revealed to the audience so they can

    empathy the characters and their choices of actions throughout the story. While reading, one infers

    Sheppard’s wife passed away a year ago and ever since he has had problems with his son as well as  

    issues within himself. Sheppard also introduces another character to the story by the name Rufus. He

    has a condition where one leg is longer than the other, in other words a clubbed foot. An illness or

    marking always has meaning in Literature. The clubbed foot is a symbol of Rufus’s hardships through

    life by dealing with his father passing away, his mother going to prison and his grandfather beats and

    abandons him.
              Next, the rising action introduces the conflict of the story. One may find many different conflicts

    while reading. One main conflict lies between Sheppard and Rufus. Sheppard tries to help change the

    young boy for the better however, Rufus simply does not want to change. Another conflict that

    impacts the story would be within Sheppard himself. Sheppard does not believe in god therefore,

    when he lost his wife a sense of hope had gone with her. He had nothing to live for except his son, but

    he had very little interest. Sheppard  needed a reason to live, so he brought Rufus into his home and

    made him into his personal project. The Antagonist and Protagonist is also noticed at the beginning

    arousal of the conflict. In this short story the Protagonist would be Sheppard and the Antagonist

    could be Rufus or Atheism.

                 As the climax reaches the point of no return, Sheppard and Rufus have an intense fight with

    words because of Rufus’s actions the previous few days. Rufus took Norton under his wing and

    taught him about Heaven and hell. He convinced the young boy his mother was in Heaven. Sheppard

    does not believe in life after death, so Rufus used the boy and his mother to push his buttons. After

    the argument the boy disappears nowhere to be found. The falling action begins moments later when

    the police bring Rufus back to the house. He had went out and caused havoc for the world to see. His

    overall plan was to get caught and rub it in Sheppard’s face that he could not save him. Sheppard lost

    all sources of hope until he took a moment to think things through. He decided it was not his place

    to fix people but to be there for his son. Sheppard wanted to be the best dad he could be from there

    on out.

                 The plot twist begins along with the resolution. As Sheppard rushed to meet his son

    with the good news, he realizes the boy was not occupied at the telescope by the window. He then

    horrifyingly sees the boy hanging from a rope swinging back and forth. The author stated the boy

    took his final flight into the sky. In Literature a flight can represent a new adventure with life as well

    as meaning escaping from something that causes burden or distress. This was Norton’s way of

    escaping from the pain of missing his mother as well as the neglect from his father. Norton was

    convinced the young will go to Heaven automatically and he could join his mother with open arms

    past the gate. If his father would have taken the time to explain to Norton and show him affection,

    then the life of an innocent child could have been saved. Sheppard’s hopes and dreams were

    shattered into pieces. He had nothing to strive for or purpose of life. The regret of abandoning his

    son’s issues hit him like a speeding coal truck. This conclusion gave the audience a shocking ending

    as well as a broken heart.


    Plot and Structure Analysis on "An occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"

    “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”

                    The success of a story depends highly on the structure of the plot. The plot links events

    together for the reader to comprehend, draw emotion for the reader and serves as a memento.  In

    “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” the plot is put together very well.  The author uses all

    Aspects of the story to produce a jaw dropping ending.
                     The passage begins with the man standing on the bridge preparing to be executed.  This is

    the introduction to a conflict between the young southern man and the North’s army. In order to

    have an interesting plot there is always a conflict, however it does not have to be between two

    people.  One can have conflict with nature, objects, or within themselves ; such as goals, fears and

    following dreams.  In order to have a conflict each story should include an Antagonist and a

    Protagonist. The protagonist would be Peyton considering he’s an innocent civilian. The Antagonist

    would include all members of the Northern army. By incorporating an Antagonist and a

    Protagonist  the readers create their own opinion based on their feelings and prior knowledge on

    the subject. They empathy the characters which sets a realistic tone and mood.

                       As the man stands on the wooden planks waiting to meet death, he flashbacks to

    a time when he lived free and innocent with his wife and children. A flashback is often used within

    a story to give the reader more detail on the leading events to the conflict. The flashback introduces

    the main character by his name, Peyton Farquhar. The reader feels more relatable to the leading

    character by knowing his former life.

                    The author is incredibly clever when it comes to a twisted ending. He tricks the audience

    by creating a false delighted outcome.  When Peyton comes bursting out of the water the sun

    gleams down hard upon his face.  The author uses key components like sunshine to make one

    believe the ending  would be a graceful series of luck.  One might relate sunshine to happiness and

    joy however, the conclusion is simply the opposite. When Peyton wakes from a hope filled dream

    the army officials drop him to his last seconds. By using an element of surprise the author plays

    with the reader’s emotion, creating a satisfying yet saddening memento .
                   Plot is a huge aspect of everything one reads, from poems to novels. The plot in  “An

    Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” uses every detail to create an epic ending. Each section of the

    plot has a valid purpose. One needs to evaluate each action and never take a single detail for
