Thursday, January 16, 2014

Othello 5

1. At the end of this scene we witness the murder of several characters. Did this ending satisfy you? Why or why not?
This ending was very satisfying because it sends the message that bad guys will never win in the end. Some characters had to die to give the story a dramatic ending, therefore I was okay with the deaths. 

2. This play is considered to be one of the greatest tragedies of all time. Why is it so tragic (avoid the answer: they all died).
This play is so tragic because bad things happened to good people. There were many deaths and betrayals one did not expect to see coming. The murders were also not peaceful in any way; they were all violent and disturbing. 

3. What does the handkerchief symbolize?
The handkerchief symbolized Othello and Desdemona's love. Therefore when it got lost, their love did also.

4. Examine Othello's last words. What do these words show us about him?
Othello wanted everyone to know who he really was and that he truly made a mistake killing his wife. He wanted the world to know he was a good man, however he was taken over by jealousy and tricked into believing horrible things. He truly did love Desdemona. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Othello 4

1. In Act 4 we learn the character of Desdemona. Choose two quotes that you believe best illustrate her character.

"That’s not what I wish. I love him even when he’s harsh and mean—Help me unpin this, would you?—I love even his stubbornness, his frowns, his bad moods."

"...Unkindness is powerful, and his unkindness may kill me, but it’ll never destroy my love. I can’t say “whore.” It makes me sick to say the word even now. I wouldn’t do the thing that would make me a whore for all the money in the world."

This two quotes show the character of Desdemona because it shows how much she truly loves her husband and the value of her devotion to him. She is a women with morals and a big heart.

2. How is Othello changing in Act 4? What is the effect of his public humiliation of Desdemona by slapping her?

Othello starts to show his true jealous side. He has lost feelings for Desdemona and instead of treating her like a jewel, he treats her like filthy trash. When Othello slaps Desdemona his true character transformed. He is no longer the loving and greiving husband, but a revengeful monster. Now his reputation was lowered because he is looked down upon amongst others.
3. At the end of Act 4 we get a glimpse into the private world of women. How does Shakespeare portray this world?
Shakespeare portrays the side of women to be full of gossip and opinion. He gives others the idea that women are just as guilty as men when it comes to lying and cheating. However, he makes it clear not all women think in that manner. Once can also see how emotional a women can be when it comes to things that are important to them.
4. Analyze "The Willow Song". What is the literal meaning of this song? What does this song symbolize?
The literal meaning of the song is a women being deserted by her lover. This song relates well to Desdemona's situation because she believes the guy she met and decided to marry has gone away and turned into a crazy jealous trainwreck. When this song refers to a willow sitting at the edge of the water it also symbolizes women being deserted by their lovers.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Othello 3

1. What is a tragic flaw? What do you believe is Othello's tragic flaw? What is your tragic flaw? Explain.

A tragic flaw is a flaw that causes someone to unravel. Basically, it's a flaw that leads to their destruction. Othello's tragic flaw is trusting people too easily. He gives his trust to many people, based just on how they look. My tragic flaw is kindness. I would do anything for the people in my life, even if it came to putting myself out. It is a good thing to an extent, but at times kindness can be mistaken for weakness. After being too kind to someone, they tend to take things you do for granted, and the ability to be taken advantage of comes easily.

2. Below is the Shakespearean and modern version of Othello. Examine the quote about a good reputation. What does Iago mean through this quote? How valuable do you believe a reputation is? What is your reputation? What kind of name do you have amongst others?                                                                                                                                                                                        
Iago explains that an individual's reputation can not be replaced like money. By ruining someone's reputation one gains nothing, however the other person loses all they are known for. A reputation means a lot in my understanding. One is always judged by what they are known for, because your actions now can easily reflect in the future. I believe I have a good reputation as being honest, caring, and big hearted. The names I would carry amongst others would include a good friend, faithful girlfriend, loving daughter, well listener and trustworthy.
3. Connect this quote to another film/movie/book or to your own personal life.
This quote speaks very deep to me, because the quote's meaning is so true. Over thinking things can kill happiness, and cause burdens that does not even exist. I do this often in my life and it can be a harsh burden to carry. My imagination could easily destroy me if I let it. I think about a situation and connect things to make it even worse on my peace of mind. I now know that one should not add greif to a situation, but to take the facts and deal with them straightforward.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Othello Act 2

1. Choose one of Iago's soliloquies (end of 2.1 or end of 2.3) and thoroughly analyze it.

In the end of 2.1, Iago is expressing his plans to make The Moor believe his wife has a crush on Cassio. His tone is angry as he reassures himself things will go as he has planned. He reveals how each motion he makes, plays as a domino affect for the over all goal to be acheived. While talking about his plots for revenge and triumph, it shows how clever Iago is. He is tricky and selfish, only looking out for himself. He is also aware he is a bad person and knows what he is doing is wrong.

2. In Act II Iago launches his plan to destroy Othello. What is his motive? Jealousy? Racism? Is he opportunistic? A sociopath? All of the above? None of the above? Use TEXTUAL SUPPORT.

Iago's motive is severe jealousy. He hates The Moor because he wishes to be in his position. He wants to be him so bad that he would do anything to destory him. He is also, jealous due to a questioning affair between Othello and his wife. Iago states "I have a feeling the Moor slept with my wife. That thought keeps gnawing at me, eating me up inside. I won’t be satisfied until I get even with him, wife for wife."

3. Choose another character (from film, books, etc) that reminds you of Iago. Explain
Another character that is simular to Iago would be Loki in the motion picture Thor. He plays on the good side however he thinks of evil ways to manipulate things to be in his favor. He is clever like Iago and an expert trickster.

4. Two discussion Questions for Class

Why does Iago need Rodrigo for his money?

What can one foreshadow about the end of the story?

Thursday, January 9, 2014


1. What conflicts do you already see beginning to emerge? Choose two quotes from Act I that expose these conflicts. Explain why each quote is significant and what it reveals about the characters.
Two Conflicts about to emerge would include the plotted destruction Iago has for Othello and the unknowing betrayl between Iago and Roderigo. The quote that best summarizes the conflict between Iago and Othello would be "...I’m serving under him to take advantage of him. We can’t all be masters, and not all masters should be followed. Look at all the devoted servants who work for their masters their whole lives for nothing but their food, and then when they get old they’re terminated. They ought to be whipped for being so stupid. But then there’s another kind of servant who looks dutiful and devoted, but who’s really looking out for himself. By pretending to serve their lords, these men get rich, and when they’ve saved up enough they can be their own masters. Guys like that have soul, and that’s the kind of guy I am..." because it explains Iago's plan to demise Othello. This reveals Iago's true colors because one can see he is not a trustworthy man. The significant quote for the conflict between Iago and Roderigo would be "That’s how I always do it, getting money from fools. I’d be wasting my skills dealing with an idiot like that if I couldn’t get something useful out of him..." because it shows the plan he has to fool Roderigo. This reveals the foolish ways of Roderigo to believe he can have a friendship with an untrustworthy man.
2. Create three discussion questions of your choice based on Act I
- Give two ways How to Read Literature Like a Professor relates to Othello?
-What are some character traits one can infer about Othello?
- Why was the secret marriage considered betrayl to Desdemona's father? consider the time frame the story was written.
3. In a paragraph each, analyze the character of Othello and Iago (so far).

Othello was a brave man and was born to lead his people to victory. He was emotionally and physically strong therefore working as a leader in the Army came naturally to him. He is not afraid to put trust into others, because he believes if a man acts and looks trustworthy than he must be. His past has become a huge part of who he is in present time. He is an honest man with good intensions. He loves Desdemona so much that he was willing to sacrifice for her if it came to it. Othello was a very knoble man; one might even say he was the knight in shining armour.
Iago was the complete opposite of Othello. He did not think of the greater good, only for himself. He was selfish, and full of hate to anyone that was better than him. His actions and thoughts show his dishonest and clever traits. He was a good liar and manipulative to those around him. He is a coward to say the least, because he uses others to do his dirty work instead of taking it upon himself.